Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hay thar.

Moar. I needed a new hair colour for this guy (yes, guy, lawl), 'cause he used to have anime green hair. Haha. So, I tried a buuuunch of colours out, and I ended up liking this colour. :) As usual, my TOTALLY AWESOME computer skillz abound...

Also, the style is different than the one in previous posts, 'cause I am just trying...a lot. This was referenced from a picture of a person, so I was going for a slightly more realistic cartoony style.

...I dunno. I'm all over the place.


Peach M said...

Nice meeting you today, Lee! Your sketchwork this morning was awesome. You're very confident with your lines. I like this guy's expression. I hope to see more of him.

Peach M said...
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Peach M said...

Found the link for Flash!